Friday, August 26, 2005

Incommunicando ... and a happy birthday

Yes, I know I've not posted for the past several days -- I was invited by my friend Michael Walker of Presbyterians for Renewal to attend this week's meeting of the Presbyterian Church (USA)'s Task force on the Peace Unity and Purity of the church. (see Michael's initial thoughts here) That probably means absolutely nothing for most of you, but it was a very interesting event, with some important results for presbytery-dom. (Read the PCUSA article and download the report for your viewing here) Next week I'll blog my way through some initial thoughts on the meeting -- just thinking aloud about the report that was released.

In the meantime -- I'm wishing my big sister Alison a happy birthday -- Alison teaches Spanish and French at the College of Charleston in SC, and is one of the most erudie people I know. Happy Birthday hermanita!
