Sunday, June 18, 2006

Excursis -- Meeting Great People

Something I've enjoyed about this GA is meeting some gracious Spirit-filled folks who are passionate about exalting Jesus Christ.

Let me tell you about Terry. Terry Van Wyn serves on the same committee that I serve on -- indeed, he's been blogging about it (with much greater depth and precision than I've been blogging with).

Now get this for providence -- Yesterday lunch, I was checking out Presbyweb's list of Bloggers covering the GA (I still have yet to see you, Apostle John - you'll have to help me figure out how to find you). I came across Terry's site (and Andy Moye's site who also sits on our committee). When we returned from lunch break, I immediately started a conversation with Terry and got to know him a little bit (I also had the chance to catch up with Andy, but the meeting was underway already, and we really didn't get to talk in depth). After our very long meeting, Terry and I got together to have a beverage.

He told me wonderful stories of God at work at his church in Iowa. He went on the web and showed me his church's "wall of miracles" -- reports of God's astounding work in the lives of the congregation. He told me of a commitment that each member of the congregation pray for at least 3 people they know in the community -- either that they would come to know Christ as Lord and Savior or that they would move closer to Christ. He told me of their outreaach to hurting children. I sat in awe of his dependence upon the Spirit, His desire that Jesus Christ be exalted, and his trust that God would provide.

So far as I know, Terry isn't affiliated with any of the so called "affinity groups" -- he describes himself as a missional Christian: meaning that he's called by God and sent where God has placed him. I would tell you more, but I also sensed his humility and don't want to boost his ego too much (Russell writes with a wicked grin).

Brothers and Sisters -- here we see a fundamental truth about the body of Christ. Beyond the political battles and apart from the institutional wrangling of the franchise, there are plenty of folks doing the day to day work of discipleship, mission, and glorification of Christ in the small things.

Thanks, Terry, for being a bright spot in my experience of GA. May Chirst be exalted by your witness.

Soli Deo Gloria
