Sunday, May 15, 2005

Pentecost Fire

Today, we had a wonderful Pentecost service - something we've not really done in the past. We decorated the sanctuary with red flags, asked everyone to wear red. Then in worship, we featured congregation members who were born in other countries -- they would read scripture in their native tongue, and then in English. Our special guest was Pat Durst of International Friendship ministries, who told us more about her exciting ministry to International students at the University of Cincinnati. I preached on Pentecost (hear the audio on our website -- located on the resouces page). Finally, we adjourned to our regular fellowship hour which included red helium balloons for decoration (a bundle of which Sarah Grace insisted we bring home) and a special Pentecost cake (I still imagine the clerk taking that order "What kind of cake did you say????)

Then, checking my blog subscriptions this afternoon, I found this wonderful poem from Lily's Pad, a blog that I follow. I share it with you for your enjoyment.

The next few days I'm off to Cleveland for Alastair Begg's pastor's conference. I'll blog from there if I'm able, if not, I'll be back online on Wednesday night!

Soli Deo Gloria